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Why You Should Put Time Aside To Job Hunt Over The Festive Season

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Why You Should Put Time Aside To Job Hunt Over The Festive Season

Job hunting can be a strain even in the most stress-free phases of our lives. So, why on earth would anyone want to job hunt during the festive period?

Your job search needn’t be the slug it usually feels like. In fact, it’ll be quite the opposite if you time it just right.

Afterall, have you ever thought about job hunting over Christmas? Have you even considered it? Many don’t. We’ve drafted up a few ways you can put the ability into adaptability when it comes to landing your next role over the holidays.

Why Don’t People Job Hunt Over Christmas?

The truth is that most people who think job hunting over the Christmas holidays would be an inconvenience haven’t actually given it a go.

The mass of people taking time off over the festive season assume it would ruin their holiday plans. Most want to switch off over Christmas, not job search.

Or, you might speculate as to whether there’s anyone on the other end of your emails to read your cover letter, or glance at your CV.

Whatever your reason for delaying your job hunt at Christmas, here’s a few reasons why we think you should reconsider.

7 Reasons To Job Hunt Over Christmas

We’re going to break down 7 reasons as to why you should job hunt over the festive period. And, if we sway you, you can thank us by starting your job search with us.

#1 Less Competition

Do you think you’re ahead of the curb by avoiding job hunting in winter? You’re not. Everyone else is thinking the same thing. No one expects to get hired this time of year because no one expects anyone to be hiring.

The reality is that the demand is there, but the supply for candidates drops significantly over the winter months.

“There is typically less competition for jobs in winter. People tend to switch off looking whilst companies continue to hire.” Said Jake O’Regan, Senior Recruitment Consultant at Amicus Recruitment.

So, go for that dream role this month, because the odds are probably far more in your favour.

#2 Avoid the January Rush

One of the reasons there are less people applying for job during November and December is because people generally tend to wait until January.

‘New Year. New Me’ is reflected on the job market. But, with the competition rising in January, why wouldn’t you want to give yourself a head start?

#3 Applying For A Job In December Is Genuinely Less Stressful

When you take time off for the holidays, you want to switch off, relax and give yourself minimum responsibility for maximum enjoyment of your time.

However, you can feel settled and fulfilled in your job search without it feeling like a stressful chore when you’re in the holiday mindset.

Reading through applications, writing cover letters and browsing jobs at your own pace will give you a different perspective and should remind you just how exciting a switch up in your career can actually be.

“While job hunting over the festive period, you can take your time with the search. Read over applications, make sure everything is clear and concise and you can put together detailed cover letters for each role, make sure you are fully prepped for interviews and not rushing”, said Amber, a Recruitment Consultant at Amicus.

#4 You’ll Have Something To Look Forward to in 2022

Who actually wants to job hunt while suffering with the January blues? You can avoid the January blues altogether if you have a new job.

Hit the ground running in 2022 and start your new role with the new year, or even begin your role in December and receive your tasty new wage packet in January.

5# Higher Quality Company Integration

Make the lack of competition work in your favour by landing a role and having more contact time with your new employer and colleagues.

Getting integrated into a new position is going to be trickier in January when there could be a whole department’s worth of new employees starting. Why compete for one on one time with your superiors? Plus, January usually focusses on planning, not getting to know each other, so it’s usually more beneficial to start in December.

#6 You Have More Time For Interviews

No more juggling your current work schedule to fit around interviews. You have the time to prepare properly for them and attend them with style. And, more importantly, make sure you nail them.

#7 Cheap, Simple Relocation

If you need to relocate for a new role, this can be easier and cheaper during the holiday season because house prices and moving costs can be cheaper.

Plus, with less people wanting to move house over the winter months, availability, likelihood of finding somewhere and chances of having a smoother process are generally higher.

Finding a New Job at Christmas

Landing the right job for you at Christmas might have initially seemed like daunting and unattractive task.

But, hopefully, you can now see how much more convenient and likely it is that you’ll get a fantastic job in time for the new year.

There are other ways you can drastically improve your chances of landing the perfect role, like having a specialist consultant find your job for you.

Our specialist Golang, JavaScript and Python consultants can find you a role that perfectly matches your unique skills, guide you through the process and ultimately land you in your dream job.

We have onsite roles across Austin, Texas, Berlin and London from contract to permanent as well as roles within Big Data, Machine Learning and more.

Start your job search here.

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