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Current UK Tech Hot Spots

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Current Tech Hot Spots in the UK

As the economy begins it’s climb back to normality following the pandemic, the UK has seen growth spurts in areas some may not have expected to see them. With London being the hub for UK tech followed by Manchester, other parts of the country are steadily growing their own tech hot spots too.

Where are the best tech jobs in the UK?

Aside from London and Manchester, places like Leeds, Newcastle and Liverpool are the usual suspects for high numbers of tech jobs. However, it’s was recently reported that Newcastle and Liverpool have actually seen a decline in tech jobs with Newcastle’s numbers dropping by 5% and Liverpool’s by as much as 20%.

There is a North South divide when it comes to tech in this country, but there’s been a relatively surprising report that Yorkshire has seen the most substantial amount of growth.

In terms of cost of living versus the average salary of a tech job, Leeds came in 5th in the UK. The opportunities in tech have also rapidly risen in Yorkshire with Channel 4, Asda and Sky’s Digital Technology Division making Leeds their home.

Tech jobs have risen by a whopping 36% in Yorkshire with salaries increasing too. Yorkshire is also home to 1281 start ups and scaleups transforming industries like health, fashion and transportation.

Where is the best place for a tech start up in the UK?

It was recently reported that Luton came in at number 1 in a list of the best places for a tech start up, with Reading coming in second and Nottingham third.

Getting a tech job in the UK seems as easy as ever with so many opportunities arising. But one thing many software engineers, developers and other tech professionals have trouble with is being hounded by recruiters and agencies.

Many of these agencies aren’t tech specific or don’t have adequate knowledge of things like coding languages or expected salaries.

Thankfully, specialist agencies that focus solely on technologies like Python, Golang and JavaScript do exist and are helping tech candidates find their new roles hassle-free.

Job searches have become more UX friendly with agencies like Amicus Recruitment and our personable recruiters who don’t just view you as commission have become increasingly better trained and likeable.

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