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Who am I?- Francesca Pilkington

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Francesca is our latest addition to our growing team of recruitment consultants and she brings with her a strong knowledge of IT recruitment in her previous role. After her first month in her new role, we caught up with her to see how she is settling into life at Amicus Recruitment

How has your first month at Amicus Recruitment been?

It’s been brilliant! Everyone here is really supportive and it’s a lovely, positive atmosphere to work in. I’ve been working alongside Jake, who places .Net developers across east London and I think we make a great team.

What have you been doing since you’ve started?

Since London is a new market for me I’ve been introducing myself to new clients, which is important in the run up to Christmas especially since London is such a competitive market. I’ve also been getting to know candidates to establish exactly what they’re looking for and learn even more about .Net. I’ve been lucky enough to also place my first candidate earlier this month with a new client and I’m hoping he’ll be very happy there!

What’s your area of specialism and why do you feel you’ll be successful in this market?

I specialise in placing .Net professionals, from Juniors to Heads of Development, across the West London area. I’ve got previous knowledge placing .Net candidates, however this is the first time this has been specialism for me and so I’ve loved being able to expand my knowledge and know my market in more detail.

What attracted you to work for Amicus Recruitment over other agencies?

The company culture – everyone is excited for others to succeed but each individual is so driven as well so it’s easy to learn new things from them. It’s also important to have a laugh whilst you’re working since recruitment can mean long hours, which happens here a lot and the teamwork we have, even when playing pool together, is so nice to see!

What are your goals in the next 12 months?

I’m aiming to get more established within my market and to build even more of a rapport with my clients so that they’ll feel that I will be the one to go to for their .Net development needs. And, as always, I want to find candidates their ideal job!

Finally, tell us an interesting fact about you!

Before I got into recruitment, I moved to London and was cabin crew for British Airways for a while. I always wanted to be a pilot and this was the next best thing…I could still sit in the flight deck on a 747 for take-off and landing. It also allowed me to try different foods and I ended up eating local delicacies like scorpions in Thailand and turkey testicles in Israel!

If you'd like to get in touch with Francesca about opportunities within the .NET market across London, please get in touch with her directly on 0203 908 5526 or email him at

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