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Who am I? Faye McGowan

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Who am I? – Faye McGowan!​

Four weeks ago, Faye joined Amicus Recruitment, bringing with her 2 years previous recruitment experience. We recently caught up with her to find out how she was adapting to her new career and life as a recruitment consultant in a new vertical market.

How has your first few weeks at Amicus Recruitment been?

My first few weeks were great! It’s been a challenge initially getting to know my market, and London geography – I’m a bit of a “home-bird” and hadn’t even heard of the Gherkin until this week! The team have been really supportive and welcoming, some of them have even let me win at Pool!

What have you been doing since you’ve started?

Since I started, I have been focussing on getting more in tune with my market. Connecting with quality candidates and clients, starting to build relationships and have managed to get a couple of interviews in the pipeline, so it’s looking very exciting!

 What’s your area of specialism and why do you feel you’ll be successful in this market?

My specialism is .NET Development, recruiting for roles from Graduate to CTO level; although this market is candidate short, the access and relationships that we have with the best candidates here at Amicus gives me confidence that I can build a successful desk with the support of my team. I have the support of Jake who does the same market on the East of London and David who has been working this market for 8 years, so I know I’m in good hands.

I have spent most of my recruitment career working in an RPO setting where my goal was 100% client satisfaction and I am bringing that custom along with my insight into several sectors with me to my new market. I’m fortunate to be joining a team of really experienced specialists and with their support I’m confident that I will succeed in this market.

What attracted you to work for Amicus Recruitment over other agencies?

I have always wanted to work in a niche, vertical market for an agency in its youth. I wanted to work in a market where I could really add value to my clients so the opportunity to work closely and learn from the founders of Amicus is what really drew me in initially. The clarity around what I could expect from the role and the ambition of the company were also big players.

What are your goals in the next 12 months?

In the next 12 months my goal is to be a consistent consultant. I aim to learn as much as I can and gain really valuable market insight; building on strong relationships with the best clients and candidates in my market to allow me to become a trusted consultant to both so that I can grow organically within Amicus.

Finally, tell us an interesting fact about you!

I’m not sure how interesting this is, it’s probably more of a bizarre fact, but I am petrified of Prawns. Even typing the word just now gave me a shiver!

If you'd like to get in touch with Faye about opportunities within the .NET Development market across London, please get in touch with her directly on 0203 907 8467 or email him at

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